Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where am I?


Well, when I started this blog three months ago I was happily unemployed, but really needing an outlet (not to mention a supplemental income!!). Since going back to work, you have no doubt noticed the sluggishness in which posts are made. Honestly, I have been drawn to other avenues of my life, mainly work and home. I have also began toying with the idea of expanding this blog to include all things ME. I have far too many interests to maintain 20 different blogs, so look for more and more "off the beaten path" entries as well!! Never fear, though, new posts are coming!! Stay tuned....

Until then, enjoy this hilarious short clip of the infamous bush man at Fisherman's Wharf courtesy of


  1. I love your blog almost as much as I love you!

  2. Well, my darling, the feeling is definitely mutual!! I couldn't be ain't worth a BRAP without you in it sweetie!! WHAT A MAN!


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