Sunday, May 10, 2009

Letters to our Mothers

Dear Mom:
Thank you. For all the hugs, and coffee chats, and constant support no matter how stupid my actions. Thank you for the cookies, and the Blair orders, and the slippers, and Santa goodies ever year. Thank you for listening to me no matter how upset (or drunk) I was. Thank you for never losing faith in your Pooh. Thank you for every loaf of zucchini bread. Thank you for those cookbooks you spent a whole summer putting together just for me. Thank you for listening to my piano playing over the phone and NOT cringing. Thank you for all the movie recommendations. Thank you for all the music. Thank you for sharing the funniest commercials on tv with me. Thank you for all the Twilight Zone marathons. Thank you for all the good times at Western Village. Thank you for hanging in there as long as you could. Thank you for giving me so much love and I look forward to endless Downy hugs. Thank you for getting my jokes. Thank you for laughing at my Rod Serling impressions. Thank you for always knowing what I needed and when I needed it. Thank you for sharing in my joys and achievements. Thank you for giving me a solid private school education. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you mom for bringing me into this world. I try to make the most of it every single day.

Miss you and love you,
Your Pooh

Happy Mother's Day to you and yours. Peace.

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